Monday, February 11, 2008


I was going through some of our postings in SEV blogs and it occurred to me that we need to do more, to succeed. And to improve our English better, we need to READ, write and speak more in the language.

I am trying to ‘force’ my way to get all of us to write through this blogging exercise, speaking through the weekly presentations and reading through the book reviews etc but I still feel we are lacking. It should become a culture and not just an exercise the CEO ask of you…Anyway, I honestly believe that we need to entice our reading…. Do you know that on average, Malaysians read only a (1) book a year!!! And I wonder how we in SEV are doing??? Are we part of the statistics or are we slightly better… maybe 2 books (don’t laugh now… evaluate ourselves and we will agree to this fact). If we just depend on our book reviews, in my opinion we can only finish 1 book in 3-4 months!!! That's not enough. We should at least be reading 1 book (or more) a month!

We are constantly doing the same thing we did yesterday, last week or last year that our individual learning curve has become stagnant or maybe a small linear growth. Lets look at our problem, and lets find a possible solution. And the problem is ‘weakness in the English language’.

I have seen in many occasions that the newspapers in the office are left at the counter or the table (near SMCs area) unread. I know everyone is busy, but if you come earlier or take some time during lunch or whenever, take a break (not to have a KitKat) and READ the newspaper.

Hey, that’s my 2 cents on the issue, what’s yours???

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