I have to say, I do feel a bit tired lately (the PM even works harder than I do, and he never complaints about being tired...mmmm). I have been traveling these few weeks and recently visited Johor Bharu for an MOU signing with Perbadanan Nasional Berhad (PNS). We are collaborating with them to become a franchisor and develop more franchisees.
The MOU signing on Saturday went well. Tg Farith came from SKALI to exchange the MOU documents with Tuan Syed Kamarulzaman (MD) and witnessed by Dato Musa (SKU MECD) and Dato Hashim (TKSU).

To cut the story short, we were in JB from Friday and left Sunday morning. On the way back we stopped by Skudai to visit an ex-SKALIAN, Maryam. She joined SEV initially as a trainee. I interviewed her during a Careers Expo in UIA back in 2006. During the interview, I can see that this girl was different from her peers. She showed determination and pro-activeness. Anyway, a few weeks after, we offered her a trainee position in SEV. Back then SEV had only 3 staff: me, Aida and Shamsul, so we needed some help, thus we hired Maryam and Diana. Subsequent to the trainee position, we offered her a full time position, but I guess due to the ‘instability’ of SEV financial position back then… might have contributed to her to consider other opportunities. So did Diana. I have no heart feelings towards them. I was rather happy to have had the chance to work with good team players such as them.
She informed us that she is happy working in Johor (I think more because her fiancĂ© is there – they are getting married this May) but she did not deny having a fun and enjoyable time working in SKALI. One day, who knows, she might re-joined us. She has made some indications that she wants to be the SPIKE@Johor coordinator… mmm we’ll see. Anyway, we left after having a small brunch.
Somehow I think most SKALIANs enjoy working in SKALI. Its friendly environment, flexible management policies etc is what has attracted those who left to rejoined us back. You don't have to look far, we have one in SEV. I have been working in 4 companies, and I can confirm SKALI is the BEST. In my opinion, we will excel better if we are working in an environment that we enjoy.
Hey that’s my 2 cents on the issue, what’s yours???
She informed us that she is happy working in Johor (I think more because her fiancĂ© is there – they are getting married this May) but she did not deny having a fun and enjoyable time working in SKALI. One day, who knows, she might re-joined us. She has made some indications that she wants to be the SPIKE@Johor coordinator… mmm we’ll see. Anyway, we left after having a small brunch.
Somehow I think most SKALIANs enjoy working in SKALI. Its friendly environment, flexible management policies etc is what has attracted those who left to rejoined us back. You don't have to look far, we have one in SEV. I have been working in 4 companies, and I can confirm SKALI is the BEST. In my opinion, we will excel better if we are working in an environment that we enjoy.
Hey that’s my 2 cents on the issue, what’s yours???
Congratulation for SEV and Sekali for become a franchaisor. I hope, i can be one of Skali Franchisee
The PM works hard and he does have enough sleep during his meetings.
hahaha, the one you see 'sleeping' during the meetings are his double. see 'vantage point', these politicians, semua ada their doubles.. hahahha
Hahaha...Johor trip was fun to a certain extent.
What I learnt so far, there are a lot of Bumiputra who wish to become entrepreneurs. Once again, the number one constraint is CAPITAL! Therefore, I believe, SKALI venturing into franchise and, insyallah, with an interesting and reasonable starting fee, would attract more Bumi entrepreneurs.
One other thing that I learnt, is that can't watched movie with Fakha...the movies are just not "happening"!
Brader, I think you mean to say "no hard feeling" kot. "No heart feeling" is the mushy-mushy one (LOL). So when is the kenduri at the spanking new training center. Wassalam :)
oops you are right, typo there. hahahha. insyaAllah the kenduri is planned but only after all the labs are ready, insyaAllah in April. now, we are still occupying menara cmy. insyaAllah, aku tak akan lupa ajak kau punya...you are my and aida's mentor (if not majority of skalians).
Assalamualaikum. Im a Spiker@Perak.
So far, what iv experienced since i join this program, during practical, i do enjoy working here. Eventhough sometimes, we get stressed to finish up task on the time given, but then, we were happy doing all the task together. The idea of changing the team group for each project was awesome. This is the chance where we get to know each person very well, not only just 4 or 5 people but the whole class. About the different of role for each project, i love the way of changing the position. We could learn to do several tasks and not only what we good at. As for me, for the first project, i was the Creative Designer, but for the second project, i am the Information Architect. I love to experience new kind of job. 'Multitasking' is great!
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